Before Present
Past projects
The Tick Memorial Library

Agamben, Giorgio. “Umwelt.” The Open:

Man and Animal. Translated by Kevin Attell. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004: 39-47.

Alcayna-Stevens, Lys. “In the Shadow of Man:

an Exploration of Pan-human Perspectives in a Catalonian Chimpanzee Sanctuary.” Cambridge Journal of Anthropology 28, no. 1 (2008): 1-33.

Allen, Timothy F. H. and Thomas W. Hoekstra.

“The Organism Criterion.” Toward a Unified Ecology. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015: 208-254.

Aloi, Giovanni. “Beyond the Pain Principle.”

Beyond Human: From Animality to Transhumanism, edited by Charlie Blake, Claire Molloy, Steven Shakespeare. London: Bloomsbury, 2012: 50-73.

Andrews, Noam. "Climate of Oppression."

Log, no. 19 (2010): 137-51.

Bains, Paul. “Umwelten.” The Primacy of

Semiosis: An Ontology of Relations. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006: 59-84.

Beever, Jonathan. "The Mountain and the Wolf:

Aldo Leopold's Uexküllian Influence." Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities 4, no. 1 (2016): 85-109.

Bell, Anne C., and Constance L. Russell.

"Beyond Human, Beyond Words: Anthropocentrism, Critical Pedagogy, and the Poststructuralist Turn." Canadian Journal of Education / Revue Canadienne De L'éducation 25, no. 3 (2000): 188-203.

Bennett, Jane. "Systems and Things: A

Response to Graham Harman and Timothy Morton." New Literary History 43, no. 2 (2012): 225-33.

Berque, Augustin. “The Perception of Space or a

Perceptive Milieu?" L'Espace Géographique (English Edition) 45, no. 2 (2016): 1-14.

Berthoz, Alain. “The Human Brain “Projects”

upon the World, Simplifying Principles and Rules for Perception.” Neurobiology of "Umwelt": How Living Beings Perceive the World, edited by Alain Berthoz and Yves Christen. Berlin: Sprinter-Verlag, 2009.

Blake, Charlie. “Inhuman Geometry: Aurochs,

Angels and the Refuge of Art.” Beyond Human: From Animality to Transhumanism, edited by Charlie Blake, Claire Molloy, Steven Shakespeare. London: Bloomsbury, 2012: 203-226.

Brentari, Carlo. “How to make worlds with

signs. Some remarks on Jakob von Uexküll's Umwelt theory.” Rivista italiana di filosofia del linguaggio 7 (2013): 8-21.

Bronwen Martin. “The Ecological Vision of

Jean-Marie Le Clézio." The Modern Language Review 113, no. 3 (2018): 506-26.

Buchanon, Brett. Onto-ethnologies: The Animal

Environments of Uexküll, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008.

Bundgaard, Peer F. and Frederik Stjernfelt.

“René Thom’s Semiotics and Its Source.” Semiosis and Catastrophes: René Thom’s Semiotic Heritage, edited by Wolfgang Wildgen and Per Aage Brandt. New York: Peter Lang, 2010.

Canguilhem, Georges. “The Living and its

Milieu.” Knowledge of Life. New York: Fordham University Press, 2008. 98-120.

Caracciolo, Marco. “Ungrounding Fictional

Worlds: An Enactivist Perspective on the “Worldlikeness” of Fiction.” Possible Worlds Theory and Contemporary Narratology, edited by Alice Bell and Marie-Laure Ryan. University of Nebraska Press, 2019.

Chien, Jui-Pi. “From Animals to Humans:

Uexküll’s Umwelt as Read by Lacan and Canguilhem.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 32.2 (2006): 45-69.

____ “The French Reception of Jakob Von

Uexküll’s Umwelt.” Biosemiotic Research Trends, edited by Marcello Barbieri. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2007.

Clark, Andy. “Outing the Mind.” Being There:

Putting Brain, Body, and World Together Again. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997: 9-34.

Clements, Matthew. “Uexküll’s Umwelt and the

Disappearance of Subjectivity”. A World Beside Itself: Jakob von Uexküll, Charles S. Peirce, and the Genesis of a Biosemiotic Hypothesis. MPhil Dissertation, London: Birkbeck College, University of London (2018): 63-94.

Cook, Paul. "What Is Pedagogy? Ethnographic

Questions and Ethological Encounters." JAC 29, no. 4 (2009): 757-92.

Croke, Vicki, Colin McGinn, Joy Mench, J.

Anthony Movshon, John G. Robinson, James A. Serpell, Kenneth J. Shapiro, and Nicholas Wade. “A Consideration of Policy Implications: A Panel Discussion." Social Research 62, no. 3 (1995): 801-38.

Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari. “10,000

B.C.: Geology of Morals (Who Does The Earth Think It Is?” and “1730: Becoming-Intense, Becoming- Animal, Becoming-Imperceptible…” A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Translated by Brian Massumi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987: 39-74 & 232-309.

De Sá-Nogueira Saraiva, Rodrigo. "Classic

Ethology Reappraised." Behavior and Philosophy 34 (2006): 89-107.

Despret, Vinciane. “From Secret Agents to

Interagency.” History and Theory 52, no. 4 (2013): 29-44.

Emmeche, Claus. “Does a robot have an

Umwelt? Reflections on the qualitative biosemiotics of Jakob von Uexküll”. Semiotica 134 (1/4) (2001): 653-693.

Fagot-Largeault, Anne. “Anthropological

Physiology: von Uexküll, Portmann, Buytendijk.” Neurobiology of "Umwelt": How Living Beings Perceive the World, edited by Alain Berthoz and Yves Christen. Berlin: Sprinter-Verlag, 2009.

Grosz, Elizabeth. “Vibration. Animal, Sex,

Music". Chaos, Territory, Art: Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008: 25-62.

Hadas, Marcus. "An Ecocritical Approach to

Cruelty in the Laboratory." Journal of Animal Ethics 6, no. 2 (2016): 223-33.

Heidegger, Martin. The Fundamental Concepts

of Metaphysics. World, Finitude, Solitude. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1995: 257-273.

Hoffmeyer, Jesper. “The Semiotic Niche.”

Journal of Mediterranean Ecology Vol.9, 2008: 5-30.

Horowitz, Alexandra. Inside of a Dog: What

Dogs See, Smell, and Know. New York: Scribner, 2009.

Ingold, Tim. “Point, Line and Counterpoint:

From Environment to Fluid Space.” Neurobiology of "Umwelt": How Living Beings Perceive the World, edited by Alain Berthoz and Yves Christen. Berlin: Sprinter-Verlag, 2009.

Kohn, Eduardo. How Forests Think: Toward an

Anthropology Beyond the Human. University of California Press, 2013.

Krech, David, Lewis F. Petrinovich, and James

L. McGaugh. Knowing, Thinking, and Believing: Festschrift for professor David Krech. Plenum Press, 1976.

Kris, John Michael. “Philosophical

Anthropology and the Embodied Cognition Paradigm: On the Convergence of two research Programs.” Embodiment in Cognition and Culture, edited by John Michael Krois, Mats Rosengren, Angela Steidele, and Dirk Westerkamp. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007.

Kull, Kalevi. “On Semiosis, Umwelt, and

Semiosphere.” Semiotica 120 (3/4) (1998): 299-310.

____ “Special Issue Jakob Von Uexküll: A

Paradigm for biology and Semiotics." Semiotica 134 (1/4) (2001).

Lorenz, Konrad Z. “The Companion in the

Bird's World." The Auk 54, no. 3 (1937): 245-73.

____ Studies in Animal and Human Behavior.

London: Methuen & CO, 1974.

Mandik, Pete. “Synthetic neuroethology.”

Metaphilosophy 33, no. 1/2 (2002): 11-29.

Maran, Timo, Morten Tønnessen, Kadri Tüür,

Riin Magnus, Silver Rattasepp, Nelly Mäekivi. “Methodology of zoosemiotics: concepts, categorisations, models.” Aniaml Umwelten in a Changing World: Zoosemiotic Perspectives, edited by Timo, Maran, et al. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 2016.

Oliver, Kelly. ““Strange Kinship”: Merleau-

Ponty’s Sensuous Stickleback” and “Stopping the Anthropological Machine: Agamben’s Ticktocking Tick”. Animal Lessons: How They Teach Us to Be Human. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009: 208-228 and 229-246.

Omelsky, Matthew. “The Creaturely Modernism

of Amos Tutuola.” Cultural Critique 99 (2018): 66-96.

___ “The Creaturely Modernism of Amos

Tutuola." Cultural Critique 99
(2018): 66-96.

Parikka, Jussi. “Technics of Nature and

Temporality: Uexküll’s Ethology.” Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010: 57-83.

Pettman, Dominic. Creaturely Love: How Desire

Makes Us More and Less Than Human. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2017.

Pick, Anat. "Some Small Discrepancy: Jean-

Christophe Bailly's Creaturely Ontology." Journal of Animal Ethics 3, no. 2 (2013): 163-74.

Pollmann, Inga. “Invisible Worlds, Visible:

Uexküll's Umwelt, Film, and Film Theory." Critical Inquiry 39, no. 4 (2013): 777-816.

Posteraro, Tano. “Habits, Nothing But Habits:

Biological Time in Deleuze.” The Comparatist 40 (2016), 94-110.

Rickels, Laurence A. I Think I Am: Philip K.

Dick. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.

Rosen, Robert. Life Itself: A Comprehensive

Inquiry Into the Nature, Origin, and Fabrication of Life. New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.

Rothman, Joshua. “The Man Who Became a

Goat.” The New Yorker (May, 2016), Issue 30.

Sagan, Dorian. Introduction to A Foray into the

Worlds of Animals and Humans with A Theory of Meaning. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010: 1-34.

Schiller, Claire H., and D. J. Kuenen. Instinctive

Behavior; The Development of a Modern Concept. New York: International Universities Press, 1957.

Sebeok, Thomas A. Perspectives in

Zoosemiotics. The Hague: Mouton, 1972.

____ The Sign & Its Masters. Austin: University

of Texas Press, 1979: 3-25.

Senior, Matthew, David L. Clark, And Carla

Freccero. “Ecce animot: Postanimality from Cave to Screen”. Yale French Studies 127 (2015): 1-18.

Shakespeare, Steven. “Articulating the Inhuman:

God, Animal, Machine.” Beyond Human: From Animality to Transhumanism, edited by Charlie Blake, Claire Molloy, Steven Shakespeare. London: Bloomsbury, 2012.

Sheringham, Michael. “Pierre Alferi and Jakob

Von Uexküll: Experience and Experiment in Le Chemin Familier Du Poisson Combatif." SubStance 39, no. 3 (2010): 105-27.

Smith, Carter. “Beckett And The Animal:

Writing From “No-Man's-Land".” ELH 79, No. 1 (2012): 211-235.

Sonesson, Göran. “The Extensions of Man

Revisited: From Primary to Tertiary Embodiment.” Embodiment in Cognition and Culture, edited by John Michael Krois, Mats Rosengren, Angela Steidele, and Dirk Westerkamp. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007.

Stjernfelt, Frederik. "Simple Animals and

Complex Biology: Von Uexküll's Two-fold Influence on Cassirer's Philosophy." Synthese 179, no. 1 (2011): 169-86.

Thomas, Jean-Jacques. "Introduction: Pierre

Alferi: A Bountiful Surface of Blues." SubStance 39, no. 3 (2010): 3-20.

Thompson, Nato, and Christoph Cox. Becoming

Animal: Contemporary Art in the Animal Kingdom. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005.

Thompson, Nicholas S., and Patrick Derr. "The

Intentionality of Some Ethological Terms." Behavior and Philosophy 20/21 (1993): 15-23.

Thompson, Nicholas S. “Signs and Designs.”

Behavior and Philosophy, 20/21 (1993): 15-23.

Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt. The Mushroom at the

End of the World. Princeton University Press, 2015: 155-163.

Umiker-Sebeok, Jean, and Thomas A. Sebeok.

"Clever Hans and Smart Simians: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and Kindred Methodological Pitfalls." Anthropos 76, no. 1/2 (1981): 89-165.

Von Uexküll, Jacob. Umwelt [A Foray into the

Worlds of Animals and Humans, with A Theory of Meaning]. Translated by Joseph D. O'Neil, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.

Von Uexküll, Thure. “The sign theory of Jakob

Von Uexküll”. Semiotica 89-4 (1992): 279-315.

Weiss, Helene. "Aristotle's Teleology and

Uexküll's Theory of Living Nature." The Classical Quarterly 42, no. 1/2 (1948): 44-58.

Wheeler, Wendy. Expecting the Earth: Life,

Culture, Biosemiotics. Lawrence & Wishart, 2016.

Widgeon, Wildgen. “Thomas Theory of

“Saillance” and “Prégnance” and Modern Evolutionary Linguistics.” Semiosis and Catastrophes: René Thom’s Semiotic Heritage, edited by Wolfgang Wildgen and Per Aage Brandt. New York: Peter Lang, 2010.

Ziemke, T., and N. E. Sharkey. “A Stroll

Through the Worlds of Robots and Animals: Applying Jakob Von Uexkull's Theory of Meaning to Adaptive Robots and Artificial Life." Semiotica 134 (1/4) (2001): 701-746.